Compared to previous years, I had the feeling the show had sort of shrunk, which has been a tendency for all the show I have visited recently. Anyway, quantity doesn't mean quality, and visiting a smaller show is less overwhelming.
There were many interesting and beautiful things to see there, and of course I can't speak about all of them in this post, as it would quickly become tedious. As usual, I visited the show with my "green" hat and spectacles, meaning that I couldn't look at everything with the same interest.
One of the first eye attracting stand I stopped by was a dutch company who told me they were the last compny in the Netherland to manufactured the very traditional dutch porcelaine, with its typical blue tiles. They had a lovely colorful display, that you can see herafter.

There is a stand I am always looking out for, because it features all sorts of new intriguing and beautiful material. It is the SCIN stand and here is a photo of some of the things they were showing.

I enjoyed the product presented by Studio Paname, which is a translucide film that you aplly on any surface (glass, wood, metal) to make orginal panels.
I know this photo is a bit strange, but it pictures the different use of the film, on walls or on glass...

And here is a detail of the film applied on glass.
It certainly is a versatile product...

My eyes were then attracted by a beautiful processed tile made of circles of sandstone:

I must admit that I don't consider myself as a "tile-person". Very often I find tiles boring, especially when badly used in a bathroom. This sandstone arrangement is really beautiful. All the veine create a natural beautiful pattern...
Looking at the sandston, I had entered the massive Porcelanosa stand.

On the same stand featured this massive white Krion surface, which I hardly looked at first as I thought... it is again another of this resin thing... But to my surprise I was told that this Krion surface wasn't really containing any bad material and that when you were tired of it, it could simply be reduced to "powder" in order to make a brand new product. Tha man presenting this product knew excatly how to speak to me. Of course, I have to research a bit more about the component of the Krion, but it really sounded very attractive.
There was also another exampleof the use of thinner pannels, when apperture are made, and it is all glued onto a panel of glass and light from behind. Beautiful effect!

Another product from the same company I was very happy to discover, is a tile made of all the left over of the tile manufacture. The company is zero waste, they collect the waste produced during the manufacture of their product and use it to manufacture another product, the tile (photo herafter) with earty colours, on which is printed a natural look of stone. It is quite an amazing product that really looks good!
I was really good to se that manufacturer are starting to produce in a different way, keeping in mind the planet and its resources.
During my visit I was, again, extremely happy to see C2C certified products, including ther sorts of tiles, wall covering... I have asked all the documentation concerning these products and can't wait to know more about them, and use them in my design...
Emmanuelle Lemoine
You have a very good site that the main thing a lot of interesting and beautiful!